Hyperlink HyperTension



I have attached a hyperlink to a text box which links to a cell within the
same worksheet. There are many occurences of this in the worksheet where
cells point to other cells so the same hyperlink won't work for all text
boxs'. Therefore a single macro will not work. The hyperlink will get to
the appropriate cell, and it becomes active. In the same hyperlink
execution, I want the active cell to be placed at the top left of the screen.
I have no trouble doing this with a cell hyperlink using the FollowHyperlink
(courtsey of Bill Manville) event but it does not seem to work with a text
box. Can anyone help?

Private Sub Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Dim iChar As Integer
Dim stAddr As String
stAddr = Target.SubAddress
MsgBox (stAddr)
iChar = InStr(stAddr, "!") ' Sheet!Range ?
If iChar > 0 Then
ShtName = Left(stAddr, iChar - 1)
stAddr = Mid(stAddr, iChar + 1)
End If
With ActiveWindow.Panes(ActiveWindow.Panes.Count)
.ScrollRow = Range(stAddr).Row
.ScrollColumn = Range(stAddr).Column
End With
End Sub

Tom Ogilvy

Don't use a hyperlink. Just assign a macro to the rectangle:

Sub Rectangle_Click()
Set rng = ActiveSheet.Range("F2")
Application.Goto rng, True
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = rng.Row
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = rng.Column
End Sub



Thanks.. I always seem to get caught up in solving a problem and forget
sometimes it's just best to do some things manually. I have about 50 of
these links and seem to have run up against a wall for the number of subs or
lines you can have in a module. Is there a limit or is it something else?


Tom Ogilvy

It is my understanding:
Modules are limited to about 64K in size. Export the module and look at
the file size for an estimate.

Tim provides sound advice.

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