If the hyperlink _must_ be in a protected section of the form, then you have
to use the scheme described at
http://www.word.mvps.org/FAQs/TblsFldsFms/HLinksInForms.htm, which involves
a MacroButton field and a macro.
This scheme has a number of drawbacks, though: The macro must be in a
template that's available to everyone using the form, which is often an
unreasonable requirement; or the macro must be in the form document itself,
which then causes Word to display the macro virus security warning when the
document is opened, which scares off many users who don't know what macros
are or whether yours is trustworthy. In some cases, the macro will be
silently disabled, and the user just won't be able to use the hyperlink.
The alternative is to place the hyperlink in an unprotected section of the
form. Insert continuous section breaks before and after the hyperlink. When
you protect the form through the Protect Document task pane (you can't do
this with the lock icon on the Forms toolbar), after you choose to protect
for forms, click the link below that dropdown and uncheck the section that
contains the hyperlink.
The minor drawback of this alternative is that users can add or change text
in the unprotected section, delete the hyperlink, or do anything else Word
Jay Freedman
Microsoft Word MVP
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