Hyperlink info when copying Web page clippings




I haven't seen this addressed in the discussion group or in OneNote help.

I am looking to store Web page images in OneNote. While I don't need OneNote
to act as a Web browser, I would like to be able to access information from
the hyperlinks found where the screen clippings that I insert into OneNote
were taken from. I don't want to have to type them all in manually.

Is it possible for OneNote to track the hyperlinks that are found in the
section of the browser screen that is clipped, and add simple text
information regarding those links under the image like the URL is?

Many of the pages I view change URLs, or are deleted, over time. I would
like to know what the hyperlinks on those pages pointed to, like e-mail
addresses, etc...

Thank you....


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Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I'm not clear on what you're suggesting. Are you asking if the hyperlinks
WITHIN a copied image can be activated?

Obviously dragging/dropping web content into IE does create a hyperlink back
to the original content.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Hello Ben,

Thank you for your quick response.

I am not asking for the hyperlinks within the image be activated. I mean, if
it's just as easy for Microsoft to program this compared to what I am asking
for, go for it. However, I may not copy the entire text of a hyperlink in a
screen clipping, so maybe it wouldn't be a good idea.

What I would like to do (at least) is have the hyperlinks listed just like
the URL is below the screen clipping image.

For example, when I read your response, I saw that your message is posted in
"microsoft.public.onenote", and the URL to that is "

If I were to take a screen clipping of your message, I would know that the
link says, "microsoft.public.onenote", but I have no idea what that URL is
for that link. Should your message move or be deleted, I never will unless I
keep track of it manually.

This way, I can copy clippings from a number of Web pages in one OneNote
file and at least have the hyperlink information available, even if I have to
search within a list of hyperlinks to figure out which one I want.

The end result of this is managing the 5 billion html and associated files
on my computer. I don't need actual browser functionality, I just want the
information available outside of the image should I want to go to images of
links contained in Web page clippings.



That doesn't necessarily work too well when dealing with tables. The same
goes for pictures. There are plenty of other formatting issues as well.
Anything like tables will lead to the inability to fit what I can see on my
screen in IE into what I can see on my screen in OneNote, without scrolling.
I want the Web page as it looks in my browser, without it becoming an art
project. That's why I purchased the program. Copy and paste just doesn't
capture what a Web page looks like.


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Hmmm...well, I know there are sometimes issues with complex formatting but
I've usually had pretty good success with the drag/drop features for web
content. Have you tried the Send To OneNote powertoy?


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Yes, I tried that. The first page I tried that on I got an error from the
powertoy. The second page I tried was a cheap copy and paste, not even a
screen clipping. I haven't removed a program from my computer so quickly in

I guess I'll leave this up to the community at large, or as a suggestion for
future versions or service packs, since this is turning into a tech support
conversation of the kind I don't like. (Try this, now try this, now try

Does anyone out there know a way when taking screen clippings (SPECIFICALLY
screen clippings) for Web page hyperlink information to be listed along with
the Web page URL in OneNote? Copy and paste is not good enough. I don't need
browser functionality like in the original HTML file, I just want the
hyperlink information available.

Ben, thank you for your help. I appreciate your timely efforts.

Chris H.

Guess you're not on a Tablet PC, correct? Otherwise, you could use the
Snipping Tool which is very, very nice.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

RK Henry

I guess I'll leave this up to the community at large, or as a suggestion for
future versions or service packs, since this is turning into a tech support
conversation of the kind I don't like. (Try this, now try this, now try

Does anyone out there know a way when taking screen clippings (SPECIFICALLY
screen clippings) for Web page hyperlink information to be listed along with
the Web page URL in OneNote? Copy and paste is not good enough. I don't need
browser functionality like in the original HTML file, I just want the
hyperlink information available.

I'm not sure I understand the problem here. Here's what I assume is
being done: 1. Select a block of text/objects in a web page using IE
(or maybe another browser will work). 2. Select "Copy" either Ctrl-C
or edit..Copy. 3. Go to OneNote, open a new page, and select "paste"
(either edit..paste or ctrl-V).

In the scenario described above, the hyperlinks will be underlined. If
you click on them, the browser (IE) will launch and display the page.
If you hover over the link with the mouse, the URL will be displayed.

Now precisely what is the problem? Do you want the list of all URLs
linked on the page tabulated at the bottom of the page? I can see how
that might be handy.

In another paragraph, you mentioned the possibility that URLs might
change and that the linked pages may become unavailable. Is this also
a concern?

Just want to fully understand the problem.

RK Henry
Happy OneNote user



Henry, the tabulation is what I'm looking for. While I do prefer to only
have the tabulation based on the section of the screen I am clipping, I
suppose basing the tabulation on the whole page would be a cheap alternative.
I don't even care about things like tickers and animated images that change
links at timed intervals at this point.

I assume that MS can relatively easily determine which links are contained,
in part or in whole, in the section of screen I am clipping at the time that
I take the clipping.

Just to be clear again, copy and paste is not a sufficient option. I am
asking for what I am asking for, and not a workaround. Copy and paste turns a
one SCREEN Web page in IE into a 3-4 screen scrollfest in OneNote. A screen
clipping, by implementation, does not turn into a scrollfest.

Yes, moved Web pages are a problem. How can you figure out what Web site to
go to when Web sites move and all you have is an image of what the Web page
used to look like?

Chris, you are correct. I am on a desktop running WinXP Home.


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