hyperlink problem in form


Andre C

I am not too sure how to describe this problem but here goes. This is
a problem replicated across several tables and I am beginning to
wonder if it is an Access (2002) bug.

The forms consist of various comboboxes and importantly radio buttons.
These radio buttons are used to filter the combobox contents, such as
if an employee is still with the company or not. Within the querries
for the comboboxs I use entries referring directly to the state of the
radio boxes.

This works fine. Open the form - it all works and closes the form (via
the button I added to the form) is fine too. No problem here.

I designed a interface for the database (avoiding the switchboard) in
which I use labels as hyperlinks to the various forms in the hyperlink
subaddress property of the labels. Again this works fine.

But, if I open one of these forms via the hyperlink (with radio
buttons it seems) I can do whatever editing I need of the records but
as soon as I close a small window comes up asking for a parameter.
This parameter seems to correspond to the radio button as used in the
querry for the combobox. I should add that the edits to the record
have taken effect.

Through a process of elimiation I have decided it is the hyperlink
which is causing this effect. When openning the form manually -no
problems. Also i note that if I open the form via the hyperlink but do
not do anything to the records (i.e. edit them) again no problem.

I tried to put a stop in the VB code where I thought the problem might
be (in an after update event). Oddly when the code stopped and I
continued to run it I did not get the error as above. But I do not
think it has anything to do with the VB.

This phenomena only happens on forms with radio buttons.

Anmy thoughts appreciated before I revert to horrible grey buttons
buttons again.


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