Hyperlink target and target destination


Reiki plus

I have been reading back through the threads to help me with my hyperlink
problem. I have tried all of the solutions that I have read but still cannot
get it right

This is my first attempt to build a web site and perhaps having these
hyperlinks is too ambisious for a newbie....I thought I was a tad more savy
than I now appear to be....anyway, what I am trying to do is allow readers to
click on a questions from a list that will jump them down to the answers
below on the same page.

My first question that I want to hyperlink is What is Reiki?
I typed the following <A HREF ="READHERE">WHAT IS REIKI?</A> I used all caps
and the spaces shown is how it was entered. Then below for the answer I typed
<=WHAT IS REIK?="READHERE"></A> again all in caps and any spaces shown is how
it was entered. I have not been able to make this work. What am I doing wrong?

Also when the text box displays on my page does it need to be over top of
where it is attached to or just beside. My web page (as displayed while
creating it) shows the text going to the edge of the page so where would I
place that text box with the hyperlink?

I will be eagerly awaiting some advice from any of you who have been through


There are a number of ways to use anchors, depending on the version of
Publisher you are using. You can use the insert html code fragment tool to
create the first part. Copy the following and paste (CTRL + V) into a code
fragment box. Size the box wide enough to prevent wrapping.

<LI><A HREF="#READHERE">What is Reiki?</A>
<LI><A HREF="#READHERE1">What is something else?</A>

The <LI> is an optional bullet. You can delete it.

Then down by your answer Insert > html code fragment and copy and paste the


As to where to put the anchor, its up to you, but if your text box is 860
pixels wide it is too wide. Make your text boxes less wide, center in the
page, and put the anchor to the left of the answer, or perhaps just above
and to the left. Sometimes you can overlap a code fragment box with a text
box, but I would avoid it as a general rule. It can create problems and
sometimes overlapping text boxes can convert the text to an image, which is
not desirable.


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