Hyperlink text color



Using 2003- Site is www.jewelleryonthenet.com.au
Why does my Hyperlink text color change when it is uploaded to the web.
The main heading accross the top of the page, jewelleryonthenet.com.au, is
set as RED and linked back to the home page. But it comes up green on some
pages on the web site. This also happens on some "Return to shopping cart"
links and others.
It's not a big problem I'm over the moon about how easy it was to do with MS
Publisher. Never built a site before and it's up and running. It was more
work than I thought but it's been fun.
Any help would be appreciated

Don Schmidt

The first visit to your site jewelleryonthenet.com.au came up red, then
visits after that came up green. The copy, paste title above into this
message seems to come up purple(?).

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