Hyperlink to bookmark



I have a hyperlink on my first page, linked to a bookmark on page 2. When I
click the hyperlink the link works fine, but the bookmaked page 2 comes in
huge - at 800%. How can I minimize this issue. (this does not occur when I do
a webpreview)


I am using 2007 now, but I built the webpage in 2003. I have used the F9 key
to reduce the page. It really is more an annoyance than anything because, as
I said, it doesn't do it when i do a web preview. Thanks for your time.


Hummm. I can't reproduce this with Pub 2003 or 2007. I assume you are using
the CTRL key + click?

I am not sure why you would want to use the CTRL + click feature except for
testing the link. Perhaps for the few times you would use it, just use your
F9 key to go back to 100%?


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