Hyperlink to File name and path VBA Excel



I am trying to send a link to a user with a hyperlink to the file I am
working on via a button. I know how to create a hyperlink but I can
only put it in a range. I can not store it as a variable to be
transfered to the outlook mail. Any ideas on how to send mail with
vba and have the Body be a hyperlink to the file that I am sending it



I have found how to put int he Hyperlink of the file. Now I need to
know how to add a routing slip to this email. Any help will be
greatly appreciated. Code Below.


Sub CreateEmail()

Dim rcp, hlink, msg, subj
rcp = "(e-mail address removed)"
subj = "Please review this file"
msg = "Please review file located at: " & _
"%0A%0A" & "<file://" & ThisWorkbook.FullName & ">"
hlink = "mailto:" & rcp & "?"
hlink = hlink & "subject=" & subj & "&"
hlink = hlink & "body=" & msg
ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink (hlink)

End Sub


You have tow choices.

1) If you use a mapped netwrok drive like I:\ the two PC's must have the
drive mapped exactly the same. Youo can check the mapping by going to a
windows Explorer and going to menu

Tools - disconnect Network Drive

Don't disconnect but this window will give the Full Map name of the drive

2) Instead of using a mapped drive name (I:\)use a network name that starts
with two backslashes. (\\mycompanydrive\....)


It is going to be on a network drive. Coudl you show an example of
how to send an email with routing slip from excel? I can handle
nailing down the correct drives.


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