hyperlink to heading on different page



After experiencing initial disappointment that I could easily hyperlink to
headings on different pages in Word but not in Publisher for websites, I set
about trying to learn HTML. I finally figured out how to edit headings,
fonts, alignments, etc., and learned how to link to a heading on the same
page. I've been searching online tutorials trying to figure out how to link
directly to a heading on a different page. I can't find any that teach how to
do that type of linking. Is it impossible with HTML? Can any of you computer
gurus help me?


David, thanks for trying to help, but this isn't the solution I need. I've
figured out how to do what you recommended. I've been able to fix the links
for the same page. However, what I'm trying to do is to link to a heading on
a DIFFERENT page. This process won't work for that. Do you have any other
suggestions? It's easy in Word because the headings show up for all pages
under <hyperlink>. I'm totally baffled with how to do this in Publisher.




I don't believe you can do that in Pub 2003, but it is my understanding that
functionality has been added to Pub 2007. I know that doesn't help you
now...sorry. About the best you can probably do is to link to the page, and
then have the "quick jump" links to bookmarks on that page. Maybe someone
else has figured out how to do it in 2003...

I have been able to accomplish this within a 3rd party JavaScript based
navigation menu that I use in Pub 2000, so you might google for some script
that would accomplish your goal??? That script does not work in Pub 2003...



Well, at least I won't waste any more time trying to figure it out. Can you
link to headings on a different page with FrontPage? If I fork out the money
for FP, would I be able to load the website I've already created in Publisher
into FP without having it distorted?



I believe that you can in FrontPage, but I would post the question in the
FrontPage newsgroup before I bought the program. In general, you will
probably be happier with FrontPage as it is specifically intended for
webdesign. Publisher is a DTP with limited web building capability...as you
are discovering.

More bad news though...you will need to rebuild your site in FrontPage. The
code is much different and you are likely to be happy with your attempts to
import Publisher code.

Can I offer any other bad news? ;-)



I don't think I will go that route then. I have about 50 pages in the current
website. ARGH!

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