hyperlink to JPEG does not open in default app, only in browser



Hi everyone

I have been using the following code to open a specific jpg file
relating to a record on a form:

Dim stLink As String
stLink = Me!Img1.Picture
Application.FollowHyperlink stLink, , True

In the past this has happily opened the picture in whatever default
programme/file association is set up on the pc in question for opening
JPEGs, eg. microsoft photo editor.

One of my clients has been complaining that in his case the image
always opens in his browser, no matter what file associations he has
set up.

Now the same thing is happening on my machine: I think it is since
installing a Windows xp update. I also am now using IE 7.0, although I
doubt my client is.

Double-clicking a jpg in Windows Explorer presents no problem, so I
guess it must be something to do with using the hyperlink, possibly due
to some windows security update.

Does anyone know of a way to get around this?

Many thanks.


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