hyperlink to MP3 and WAV



Per default, tab "Folder Options" in My Computer, and then tab "File Types",
lists the Windows Media Player for files endinng in .MP3 and .WAV, and all is
fine when you click on one such file.

However, if you make a hypelink to one of those files in either WORD or
EXCEL, to a file in your own PC, an MP3 files gets reproduced in the WMP -
which is how it should be - while a WAV file calls SNDREC32, and THERE IS NO
WAY TO REMOVE THAT PROGRAM! And I found no way to override that default,
which is frustrating.

Notice that that with Office 97 under Windows 98 that is not the case, such
hyperlinks open with whatver you specify in Explore or My Computer! Is that a
case that improvements make things worse?

I believe this to be a bug, and that there should be away to change it.


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