Hyperlink to start application in visio 2002



Is there anyway to start a telnet session connecting
directly to an ip address from visio 2002? I am able to
start the telnet from the hyperlink but can't when I add
the ip address after the telnet.exe Anyone can help me

H.Vedvyas Choubay

Hello Benoit,

Create a shotcut for Telnet on the desktop. Then right click the shortcut
on the desktop and go the properties. Then is traget field type the
required IP address after giving a space after telnet.exe. and then click
ok . Then follow the steps given below.


1) Open Visio and create a shape.
2) Select the shape and right click go to format and click on behavior.
3) In the Behavior click on Double-click button.
4) Under Double-click option select the GO to page radio button. Now in the
Go to page field it points to Page1 and click ok.
5) Then go to desk top and create a short to the EXE file with required
6) Then go to C:\Documents and Settings\Folder named after the user logged
in\Desktop. Copy this path.
7) Then go back to Visio select the shape and click on Window and go to
Show Shape sheet.
8) In the Show Shape sheet windows scroll down to Events and go to
EventDblClick option.
9) Point the mouse pointer on the EventDblClick option and strike F2 Key on
the key board.
10) Now delete the page1 which is in between the brackets and double code.
11) Now past the path that you had copied (C:\Documents and Settings\Folder
named after the user logged in\Desktop) in between the brackets and double
12) After pasting the path type the name of the file with the .lnk
extension and strike tab key on the key board.
13) Now Close the shape sheet and double click on the shape this will
launch the required EXE file with argument.
14) To make this to work as hyperlink. Select the shape and do a Ctrl+K to
open the Hyperlink menu.
15) In the address field path the path for the .lnk file for the shot cut
(C:\Documents and Settings\Paul Kidder\Desktop\paul.lnk) and click ok.
16) Now save this drawing as web page. Now you open the file in IE and
click on the shape you will able to execute the EXE file with the argument.



Al Edlund

I do it by first adding a custom property to the shape called "ipaddress"
and then adding a hyperlink that refers to the custom property. Here is a
code fragment that might help (the add custom property code is in the visio


visShape.AddSection visSectionHyperlink
' now add the basic hyperlink row
blnPropAdded = funcAddHyperLinkToShape(visShape, "CallTelnet")
' normally we would just do this with the above call, but we want to
' the name of another cell with the formula so we'll do it here
If visShape.CellExists("hyperlink.calltelnet.address", False) Then
Set shpCell = visShape.Cells("hyperlink.calltelnet.address")
shpCell.FormulaU = """TELNET:""&Prop.Ipaddress"
Set shpCell = visShape.Cells("hyperlink.calltelnet.description")
shpCell.FormulaU = """TELNET:""&Prop.Ipaddress"
End If

Public Function funcAddHyperLinkToShape(visShape As Visio.Shape, _
strLocalRowName As String, _
Optional strRowNameU As String, _
Optional strDescription As String, _
Optional strAddress As String, _
Optional strSubAddress As String, _
Optional strFrame As String, _
Optional blnNewWin As Boolean, _
Optional blnDefault As Boolean) As Boolean

Dim vsoCell As Visio.Cell
Dim intRowIndex As Integer
Dim strCurrentTask As String

On Error GoTo AddHyperLink_Err

intRowIndex = visShape.AddNamedRow(visSectionHyperlink, _
strLocalRowName, VisRowIndices.visRow1stHyperlink)

Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkDescription)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, strDescription

If (strLocalRowName <> strRowNameU And _
Len(strRowNameU) > 0) Then
vsoCell.RowNameU = strRowNameU
End If

' Column 2: Address
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkAddress)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, strAddress

' Column 3: SubAddress
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkSubAddress)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, strSubAddress

' Column 4: frame
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkExtraInfo)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, strFrame

' Column 5: new window
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkNewWin)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, CStr(blnNewWin)

' Column 6: default
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkDefault)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, CStr(blnDefault)

funcAddHyperLinkToShape = True

Exit Function


If Err <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Err in func Add HyperLink To Shape " & Err & " " &
Err.Description & " " & strCurrentTask
funcAddHyperLinkToShape = False
End If

End Function

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