hyperlink using cell contents



I have spreadsheet which is a column of movie names. is it possible to
hyperlink to the Internet Movie Data Base info for the move?
I tried adding http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=move name which is what
the site itself does when a title is specified. I'd like to do it in a
generic way in the spreadhseet so I don't have to modify each cell's
I need a way to reference the cell's contents in the Edit Hyperlink
Dialog. I tried, for example, variations on the Cell function like
http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q=cell("contents",a1) or
http://www.imdb.com/find?s=tt&q="cell("contents",a1)", etc.


Thanks for the suggestion. That's kind of what i had in mind. Even
better would be if there there is a way to make J4 a hyperlink. It
would contain the hyperlink to the IMDB movie info. Is there a way to
make the Edit Hyperlink dialog refer to it's Display field contents?
I'm thinking there might be syntax for referring to editable field
contnents of a dialog.

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