Hyperlink various photos on same webpage


Tim K

I use Frontpage for several webpages and I am wanting to insert and view
various pictures that interchange within the same box by hovering over a
small box graphics below.

I have tried to use the Web Gallery in FP, but do not like the transition of
the pictures. I am creating the pictures to fit into a 350X350 pixel box so
that I can use portrait or landscape photographs easily. I have set up tables
for my text, picture location and buttons that I want to use to hopefully
hover over to change the pictures. I cannot figure out how to interchange to
pictures in the same frame by hovering over the box/hyperlink graphic. I want
this to be simple, and it can be if I can figure this one thing out.

You can view my template at: http://picturethesephotos.com/children.htm
if you have any suggestions.

Thanks in advance for any tips.

Tim K.
(e-mail address removed)

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