Hyperlink w/booknark does not work--Please HELP



I created a hyperlink in Excel 07 with bookmarks to 3 sheets, however when
copied to Outlook 07 the hyperlink works but it does not jump to the
bookmarked sheets when clicked from Outlook 07.

I am running Windows XP. Hyperlinks works fine in Excel 07 and Word 07.


J:\Bookmark test\TRAINING BOOKMARKS.xlsx#TUE!A1

In Word 07 and Excel 07 it jumps to the Tue sheet within the workbook.
However when I copy this to an Outlook email for users to select, it only
goes to the first sheet, MON. I have three sheets, MON, TUE and WED.

Roady [MVP]

I'm not able to get it to work from outside Excel.

Word opens the link correctly when no bookmark is specified but as soon as I
specify a bookmark I get "Cannot open the specified file." returned.

Doing the same from a Run command results in;
Windows cannot find 'D:\Documents\Book1.xlsx#Sheet2!A1'. Make sure you typed
the name correctly, and then try again.

You might want to ask in an Excel newsgroup if it is actually supported from
outside Excel.


Mine worked outside of Excel. I copied to Word 07 and it worked just fine.
It just doesn't work in Outlook.

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