hyperlink with autonumber



Consider a 3-column table. One 1st column is an autonumber
(primary key), the 2nd is a hyperlink to a text file, the
3rd is a description. As the user types a file description
the autonumber increments, and the hyperlink has a
format "path\[autonumber].txt", so links are created
automatically. How can I create the hyperlink?

Allen Browne

If the file exists, you could use the AfterUpdate event procedure of the
Description text box to set the Value of the hyperlink.

Something like this:

Private Sub Description_AfterUpdate()
Dim strFile As String
strFile = "C:\MyFolder\" & Me.[ID] & ".txt"
Me.[MyHyperlink] = strFile & "#" & strFile & "#"
End Sub

For an explanation of the # characters, see:
Introduction to Hyperlink fields


Thanks, it worked!
-----Original Message-----
If the file exists, you could use the AfterUpdate event procedure of the
Description text box to set the Value of the hyperlink.

Something like this:

Private Sub Description_AfterUpdate()
Dim strFile As String
strFile = "C:\MyFolder\" & Me.[ID] & ".txt"
Me.[MyHyperlink] = strFile & "#" & strFile & "#"
End Sub

For an explanation of the # characters, see:
Introduction to Hyperlink fields

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

helpplez said:
Consider a 3-column table. One 1st column is an autonumber
(primary key), the 2nd is a hyperlink to a text file, the
3rd is a description. As the user types a file description
the autonumber increments, and the hyperlink has a
format "path\[autonumber].txt", so links are created
automatically. How can I create the hyperlink?


Mark Hyland


You will need to write some code to do this. If the field names are:
id - autonumber
hlink - Hyperlink field
Des - description field

then on the after update event of the Des field, you could populate the
hyperlink using something like:

Me!hlink = "c:\" & Me!id & ".txt"

Obviously the path in this case is the C:\ drive, and the file extension is

I hope this helps.



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