hyperlink with parameters?


Jacob Suzerain

I need to create a hyperlink with the following form (as it appears in a
shortcut where it works properly):

"Acrobat.exe" /A "page=4=OpenActions" "C:\example.pdf"

(This launches the the pdf file example.pdf with page 4 open)

Using Insert Hyperlink (word 2007) results in a field as follows
{HYPERLINK "\"C:\\Acrobat.exe\" \\A \"page=4=OpenActions\"
\"C:\\example.pdf\"" } (slightly corrected because word gets confused by the
prliferation of "s and misses some )

This results in the error message "Cant open specified file". What appears
to be happening is that Word doesnt know how to pass the parameters to

Any ideas on how to construct the hyperlink so that word understands it?

(Embedding a shortcut in the word document works but this is exceptionally
clumsy and not very helpful because you need a shortcut for every hyperlink)

Stefan Blom

As you've noticed, Word doesn't pass any parameters to Acrobat when a
hyperlink is clicked. In fact, Word doesn't even know what application
opens the hyperlinked file; that is taken care of by the operating
system. In other words, I don't see a way to accomplish what you want.
However, you could ask in a VBA newsgroup to find out if there is
another method.

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...

Jacob Suzerain

Thanks for your help Stefan. I have in the meantime written some code in VBA
to achieve what I want (rather clumsily). Unfortunately I also wanted to
achieve the same effect in onenote. For some strange reason onenote doesnt
support vba and its hyperlink functionaility is even more broken than Word's.


Stefan Blom

I'm glad you got it sorted.

I wouldn't say that the limitations of Word's hyperlink feature is a bug,
though. Rather, I believe it is a matter of security.

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