


I want to have each chapter reference in my table of contents linked to the
page in a document so that users can click on the reference in the toc and
the page jumps to that section in the document. Is this a hyperlink or am I
using the wrong idea? When I insert the hyperlink in my toc, it turns blue
and underlines. But in order for it to jump to the page referenced, I have
to right click and choose open hyperlink. Is there a way to get it to jump
with just clicking the reference?


[Ctrl]+Click to immediately follow the hyperlink.

If you haven't already or if spots you need to jump to don't appear in the
Place in This Document window when you set up the hyperlink, go to the places
where you want to jump to later and INSERT BOOKMARK and give each place a
meaningful bookmark name.

If you use Styles for headings of sections and topics, you can also
automatically create a table of contents that sets up hyperlinks to the
entries at the time the TOC is created - and you don't have to keep revising
your TOC each time you add or delete a page in the document.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

TOCs are already hyperlinked by default--no effort required on your part. In
Word 2000 and above, the entire TOC entry is hyperlinked; in Word 97 and
earlier, and in Word 2002 and above if you have declined to hyperlink the
whole entry, the page numbers are hyperlinked. They are not formatted as
hyperlinks (blue and underlined) because you wouldn't want to print them
that way, but when you mouse over an entry (or page number) you should get a
hand and a ScreenTip telling you what to do. In Word 2002 and above, the
default setting requires you to press Ctrl while clicking to follow any
hyperlink (you can change this on the Edit tab of Tools | Options).

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