


I have this code in a workbook. It generates a new sequencial number when the
book is opened and then saves it when the book is closed.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
Selection.Value = Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Value + 1
MsgBox "To copy this number hold the Ctrl and C keys together. The new
number box will buzz. Don't close this page yet. Click on the waiver card tab
at the bottom of the window to open it again. Hold down the Ctrl and V keys
together, the new number will be entered in the new waiver block you first
clicked in. Now you can to bottom of the window and right click the New
Number page and select close: YOU HAVE TO CLOSE THIS BOX FIRST TO START"
End Sub

I have this workbook as a hyperlink in a single column of several other
workbooks that are used to track changes to items and require a new number
for each item when it is entered, regardless of which workbook or sheet is

Is there a way to have the cell clicked to be able to just go and grab the
new number and populate the cell clicked with this new number?

I guess the opened workbook would then be closed automatically with all of
thhis happening in the back grouond if possible so the user only sees the new
number pop into the cell clicked. thanks in advance, larry

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