Hyperlinks allow you to show or hide layers



I use Visio for User Interface mockups. A static picture is only half the
equation so I use the hyperlink feature to allow a more interactive session.
This allows me to demonstrate what happens when you click on a button or
navigate to another screen.

This works great if I want to navigate to another page. However, if I want
to show a change on the current page, I would like the ability to hide and
show layers on the current screen rather than navigate to a different page.

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Do you know if there is a macro recorder in Visio 2002? Also do you know if
it is possible to hyperlink macros to objects in Visio so that when you click
on the object, it will run the macro?


Al Edlund

visio 2007 supports both the ability to record a macro and use a device
selection (double click and right click) to run macros. I'm not sure what
you mean when you say "hyperlink macros to objects in Visio".


Hello again,

We will be using visio to perform usability tests on some human system
interface displays and ideally we would like to just view all the displays
created in the document in Full Screen. We currently have Visio 2002 and in
full screen we are able to navigate to different display pages by
Hyperlinking objects within the display.

However, we would like to also be able to hyperlink objects to macros
instead of displays so that we can perform the usability tests in full screen
always. I know currently you can run a macro by associating it with a
double-click of an object. However, when you are in full screen mode, you
cannot double-click objects. Thus, do you think Visio 2007 has the capability
of attaching macros to hyperlinks? Ideally the macro would allow different
layers to be visible or invisible.

Any other alternatives or suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks.

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