Hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data.


David Johnston

I use OneNote to link into my contacts in Outlook, using
similar links to this


This enables me to create a list of attendees at a
meeting and have links to all their details when I need
them later.

In addtion I use File:/// links to occasionally open
documents in other packages outside of the office suite.

Unfortunately whenever I do either of these really useful
things I have to deal with a dialog box telling me: -

"Hyperlinks can be harmful to your computer and data."

Which I have to click to clear. Is there a way to turn
such notification off ?. I understand its useful for
those of us who lack an appropriate respect for
executable files, but after the first 50 times I would
like to get to my data quickly.

David Johnston

p.s. I should add that I find OneNote an excellent
product to use, it has changed the way I take notes and
do research. I cannot wait for future versions with some
form of internal hyperlinking.


It is possible to jimmy rig it though...

I viewed an email from a student in Outlook Exchange, saved it, dropped the
link in OneNote, and found it did not give me the annoying hyperlink warning.
Some tinkering revealed that if this is in the header, the file doesn't
trigger a warning.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!-- saved from
url=(0098)http://mail.csopp.edu/exchange/rniolon/Dis/dissertation- Agnes Boksa.EML/1_text.htm?Security=2 -->

*Exactly* why, I have no idea. I can't add it to every html file, and not
get errors, but it works for lots of them...

Don't use my code, but try the same and see if it works for you...

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