Hyperlinks changing with MouseOver



Using FrontPage 2003 on Windows 2K.

I imported a web page to begin working on it. I want the mouse over to work
on the links.. that somehow got lost. By looking at the way the previous
owner did this... He has seperate bit maps (graphics) that switch, when the
mouse goes over it. This gives the appearance that the text got larger and

I undestand that there are different ways to do this, however, I don't know
how to get it to work the way the previous owner intended.

Can someone explain how to make a graphics switch places when a mouseover is

Stefan B Rusynko

See http://builder.com.com/5100-31-5078663.html

| Using FrontPage 2003 on Windows 2K.
| I imported a web page to begin working on it. I want the mouse over to work
| on the links.. that somehow got lost. By looking at the way the previous
| owner did this... He has seperate bit maps (graphics) that switch, when the
| mouse goes over it. This gives the appearance that the text got larger and
| highlited.
| I undestand that there are different ways to do this, however, I don't know
| how to get it to work the way the previous owner intended.
| Can someone explain how to make a graphics switch places when a mouseover is
| done.
| Thanks


I resolved it using the "Dynamic HTML Effects" found under the Format menu.
Earlier, I did not realize you could use this on pictures. I only thought
you could change font color and size.
Then after experiementing with photos, I realized that it gives you the
option to swap pictures.

I will review the link too.

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