Word 2002, 10.6612 under Win 2000. I have a lengthy manual with some
hyperlinks inside that link to other places inside the same doc. There are
links from the TOC, internal links to specific sections from within other
sections, and "return to the TOC" links that just go back to the top. My
problem is with the specific section type links.
In all cases but one, the hyperlinks go to the first page of a section. The
last page of each section has as its last line one of the 'RETURN TO THE
TABLE OF CONTENTS" links. The first page of each section has a Header 1 style
that the TOC uses to link to the sections.
Now, say you're in section 2 and you come upon a link to section 4. Instead
of taking you to the first page of section 4, the link takes you to the last
page of section 3! When I put my cursor on the last page of section 3, I can
see in the STYLE box that there is a HEADER 1 definition lurking there,
invisibly. So I know that the hyperlink is thinking that this is indeed the
right place to go.
But I didn't put that HEADER1 style there -- and if I left-click and try to
highlight the blank space under the RETURN TOT HE TABLE OF CONTENTS
hyperlinks inside that link to other places inside the same doc. There are
links from the TOC, internal links to specific sections from within other
sections, and "return to the TOC" links that just go back to the top. My
problem is with the specific section type links.
In all cases but one, the hyperlinks go to the first page of a section. The
last page of each section has as its last line one of the 'RETURN TO THE
TABLE OF CONTENTS" links. The first page of each section has a Header 1 style
that the TOC uses to link to the sections.
Now, say you're in section 2 and you come upon a link to section 4. Instead
of taking you to the first page of section 4, the link takes you to the last
page of section 3! When I put my cursor on the last page of section 3, I can
see in the STYLE box that there is a HEADER 1 definition lurking there,
invisibly. So I know that the hyperlink is thinking that this is indeed the
right place to go.
But I didn't put that HEADER1 style there -- and if I left-click and try to
highlight the blank space under the RETURN TOT HE TABLE OF CONTENTS