hyperlinks in a protected form



hi. i downloaded an MVP doc titled 'using hyperlinks in proteceted forms'
from http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/TblsFldsFms/HLinksInFormsContent.htm. this doc
showed me how to nest a hyperlink in a macrobutton field. i follwed the
instructions but the hyperlink does not work after the nesting. further, as
soon as i hit f9 to udate the field in which the nested hyperlinkis placed,
the 'protect' icon in the forms toolbar 'greys out' and i cannot activate the
protection. i have done extensive browsing in the online help and have also
looked at discussion titled 'hyperlinks in protected forms' in discussion
group 'microsoft.public.word.vba.general' but have not seen anything
relevant. help pls


update on 25 July 05: i should have included below that my hyperlinks are to
a help textplaced within my doc(the form). i have since also tried the
guidance available at http://personal-computer-tutor.com/abc2/v16/dian16.htm.
This is very similar to the original mvps guidance below but also did not
work for me. i got it from one of the other discussion groups in officeonline

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