I'm working with Excel vX on a Mac. I'm trying to put in a bunch of
e-mails and web addresses. But they are always turned into hyperlinks
- which I don't want. If I have to go back and edit it tries to open
the link or send the e-mail and this slows me down way to much.
I searched this group and found:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
End Sub
Which doesn't quite work. It allows the hyperlink to be formed, but it
removes the formating if I go back.
Is there anyway to turn this off completely or another code that will
stop the dreaded hyperlink? Thank you for any help.
e-mails and web addresses. But they are always turned into hyperlinks
- which I don't want. If I have to go back and edit it tries to open
the link or send the e-mail and this slows me down way to much.
I searched this group and found:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
End Sub
Which doesn't quite work. It allows the hyperlink to be formed, but it
removes the formating if I go back.
Is there anyway to turn this off completely or another code that will
stop the dreaded hyperlink? Thank you for any help.