Hyperlinks Not Instant In 2007 ??



HI, I am using the new 2007 Beta 2 from Microsoft Excel, the problem I
am having is that the Hyperlinks I used under 2003 were instant when
you clicked on them, Using the same files in 2007 I have to hold down
the Mouse button for a few seconds in order to activate the link

Is there some type of setting to make the links instant like in 2003?



HI, I am using the new 2007 Beta 2 from Microsoft Excel, the problem I
am having is that the Hyperlinks I used under 2003 were instant when
you clicked on them, Using the same files in 2007 I have to hold down
the Mouse button for a few seconds in order to activate the link

Is there some type of setting to make the links instant like in 2003?

have you been away long then ?

Nick Hodge


I think this is by design as the tooltip in XL2007, say's 'Press, hold and
release to follow hyperlink'

This is a change as I think it was frustratingly easy to follow a hyperlink
in Excel<12 when you only wanted to select the cell

I can't find a setting to change it

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)


Yes Nick, Thanks for the reply... I'm right at 40 years old now and
through the years it never seems to get better with certain computer
programs when some things go from good to worst... It amazes me that
they wouldn't just put a simple choice for the the link selections.. I
personally like the Idea of moving on the fly.. Click the link and get
where I need to be..

I used to use various Music Programs and it never fails that one
program always had something the other didn't and vise-versa... Very
few Programs seem to have things very fexible for many users.... It
just blows my mind that the improvements for 2007 actually will aquire
you to now wait and hold a cell for a second or two to follow a
link...WOW HOW UNIQUE! no choice at all, at least as I see it

Nick Hodge

Yes, for some users who use a feature regularly, change can be a pain, I am
staggered how many people are *really* upset about the deprecation of the
'scanner and camera wizard'. To me it seems trivial...we're a spreadsheet
program! But I guess 'you can please some of the people all of the time, all
of the people some of the time but never.........'

For example I am not sure the large grid is a good idea, but most would
welcome it... you would think all, but no.

Remember too that it is still a beta and with all the major changes, I
suspect it will be at beta until the next version (XL13???), a little like
XL97 and 2000, so keep hoping and lobbying <g>

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)


Just listening to Mhz talk about it makes me think it's not going to be liked
by more people than just him. How many executives do you know who want to be
handed a worksheet with links they need to follow to review/work with it and
have to old a button down for valuable seconds of their time?

As someone who does a good bit of developing inside of Excel, I understand
the developer frustration of trying to get inside of a cell with a link at
times. But I've learned to live with that and could see it from the end user

At the very least this should probably be a toggle feature: delay on for
developers, delay off for the real world. For those that click on links
accidentally? Aim better next time?


Nick said:

I think this is by design as the tooltip in XL2007, say's 'Press, hold and
release to follow hyperlink'

This is a change as I think it was frustratingly easy to follow a hyperlink
in Excel<12 when you only wanted to select the cell

I can't find a setting to change it
Great chnge... I would upgrade just for that.


Actually John, I believe JLathon Nailed it on the head, You're going to
have two sides on this issue, it should very well been Optional to keep
both Parties Happy on this flaw.... Thanks for the input anyhow...

Nick Hodge


One other thing I would add is, you cannot possibly add 'toggles' for
everything. The old Tools>Options... dialogue was a nightmare, I'm not sure
if Office Button>Excel Options is going to be any better.

There are thousands of operations in Excel that have 'double uses', you
simply cannot provide for all.

MS work on millions of points of data to decide how the features are added
or taken away. I grant you, it is millions of clicks from 'modest' users
rather than power users and I think this is why also, this version is likely
to be a little 'dumbed down' while the groups discover the data from this
version...that's inevitable I think with such major changes. Consider it
like a V1.0, (with obviously the learning's over many years) or like XL2000
was to XL97.

I would say if we don't see some customisation for the ribbon or better
handling of current 'commandbars' or even a 'classic' view in the next
version, I would be surprised

Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
(e-mail address removed)


I agree with you Nick, but I have to say the change they made was a set
back, due to the fact that the 2003 version at least granted both
option of a rapid link click and the option to hold and edit the Cell,
It couldn't get any better than that.. But who knows, maybe they'll
modify it in the future..:(

I still agree with JLatham, that the end user and programmer should
have this option granted...

Thanks for the reply..


I'm just going to reiterate that I've got users that are absolutely going to
hate having to press, wait and go. I'm talking people in the 6-digit income
brackets that don't like their time being wasted, and they're going to see it
as a waste.

And if this is a different functionality for links than in other office
products like Word, PowerPoint or Access, then they are going to like it even
less. This pushes the learning curve off onto the end user big time -
"...been using Word all day and click in links is instant. But I think my
Excel is broke because it keeps telling me I have to click and hold. How
long? Fix this! I have better things to do! I buy a $2000 computer to get
SPEED and the software is holding me back! Where can I buy a Sun
Workstation..." I just feel the love being shared - and all heading toward
my end of the hall.

Thanks, Mhz, glad you understand the point I was trying to make. I'm on
your side in this one! Oh, and as a professional software engineer (or
whatever they call us programmers these days) for the past 26 years, I'm very
used to having the brunt of the labor or special considerations like these
being laid in my lap - so that I can deal with them as required to provide a
product that my end users actually will use and think well of me because of

I DON'T MIND having to sneak up on a cell with a hyperlink in it to do
editing in it - especially when it means that my end users will get quick,
responsive results when they use it. Part of the attraction to the entire
Office Suite is that so many look-alike things also work-alike. Now all of a
sudden links are going to work differently in Excel than in all of the other


Mhz said:
I agree with you Nick, but I have to say the change they made was a set
back, due to the fact that the 2003 version at least granted both
option of a rapid link click and the option to hold and edit the Cell,
It couldn't get any better than that.. But who knows, maybe they'll
modify it in the future..:(

I still agree with JLatham, that the end user and programmer should
have this option granted...

Thanks for the reply..
I could never get the hang of this in 2003. Agree it should be an option.

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