Hyperlinks not working after download



I have downloaded my website from the remote location to my home computer. I
must now work on this site from two locations. The home download looks fine,
but in preview the hyperlinks are not working. Why????? I'm terribly

I went thru the import website process, but not all files were imported and
I don't know why that happened either, I specified home page + 99 levels to
make sure I got everything..... So then I copied each folder individually
from the remote location to my local location.

Chuck Davis

-----Original Message-----
I have downloaded my website from the remote location to my home computer. I
must now work on this site from two locations. The home download looks fine,
but in preview the hyperlinks are not working. Why????? I'm terribly

I went thru the import website process, but not all files were imported and
I don't know why that happened either, I specified home page + 99 levels to
make sure I got everything..... So then I copied each folder individually
from the remote location to my local location.

You must Publish to your hard drive. Import is for
importing files like a pdf to you disk based web.

Visit your site in IE. Choose Edit with Microsoft Office
FrontPage from the File drop down menu. You will be asked
your user name and password. Then PUBLISH to your hard
drive web folder, choosing Publish all pages.

You will receive a message that the destination does not
contain FrontPage Server Extensions, say OK.

Close FrontPage. Open FrontPage and browse to the hard
drive folder. Your site will then be identical to the site
on the server.


Never Import an entire web site. Import will only bring in what the browser
sees from the home page - it will leave themes, shared borders, include
files, navigation, asp code, databases, web parameters, the list goes on...
Open the online site in FrontPage and publish to a folder on your hard

When You Click a Hyperlink in FrontPage Preview, the Hyperlink Does Not Work
Fix it: http://www.95isalive.com/fixes/
Full Explanation:

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