Hyperlinks opens a template itself rather than doc based on templa


F Laufs


I set up a hyperlink in a procedure document to a relevant standard
template. When accessing the template from a hyperlink I found that the dot
file itself opened rather than opening a new document.

Might there a setting that means the hyperlink 'knows' not to open the
template but to open a new document?


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?RiBMYXVmcw==?=,
I set up a hyperlink in a procedure document to a relevant standard
template. When accessing the template from a hyperlink I found that the dot
file itself opened rather than opening a new document.

Might there a setting that means the hyperlink 'knows' not to open the
template but to open a new document?
No. By their nature, hyperlinks open the file to which they refer. You'd need
to embed the hyperlink in a Macrobutton field, then use a macro to change
what's happening.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 17 2005)

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