Hyperlinks to DB dont work now that DB is converted



We have converted all our Access 97 databases to Access
2000- not without a lot of issues. Most of them have now
been researched and resolved, some re-coded, etc.
We have one issue that we cannot resolve.

We used to have hyperlinks on our Intra-net to several
Access Databases. These were essentially "shortcuts" to
the databases so that the general population could have
easy access. Now that we did our Access conversion, the
hyperlinks on our intranet do not work. Clicking on the
link gives an option to open the file from its current
location or download it to a local location.
Choosing "Open from current location" gives the user a
download box and then nothing.

Anyone have any ideas on this? We have determined it must
have to do with the conversion of the database as nothing
else has changed!



You may need to upgrade your Office Web Automation. How were these links
attached to the access database? Data Access pages or some other way?


The links were written in standard HTML code. They did
not use data access pages at all since there was nothing
from the database that was included in the webpage other
than the link itself.

The line of code was something like:
a href="\\01FILPR004\USSRpts\relo\Billable Advance
Report.mdb" target=_blank824>Billable Advance Report</a>

As you can see, they just called the database into a
target frame. Nothing special. It was essentially a
shortcut to the database from the web page.

Where does the Office Web Automation get updated from? Is
that part of a service pack?

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