!! hyperlinks to listbox column - Possible?



How can i extract the hyperlink path from an excel column and get it
pasted into a column in a listbox along with the link title ?

File Page Size

drawing1 A4
drawing2 A3
drawing3 A3
drawing4 A4

To display in the listbox like:

File Page Size link

drawing1 A4 \\server\drawings\drawing1.dwf
drawing2 A3 \\server\drawings\siteinvestigations\drawing2.pdf
drawing3 A3 \\server\drawings\old\drawing3.dwg
drawing4 A4 \\server\drawings\housetype\drawing4.pdf

I hope this makes sense!

I've got nearly every part working of my script to have an inbuilt
batch printing setup on my drawing register files which will be posted
on here when i finish but this is fairly cruicial.



There are two seperate items. The address(Path) and the textotdisplay (what
appears on the worksheet).

MsgBox Range("D6").Hyperlinks(1).Address
MsgBox Range("D6").Hyperlinks(1).TextToDisplay

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