Some of our web developers brought a problem to our attention, they create a
web page that contains hyperlinks to excel and word documents; these
hyperlinks can be either unc file://server name\subdir\filename or file
mount file:///J|\servername\subdir\filename
When the hyperlink is clicked the file opens in excel and the title bar says
book1 as opposed to the actual file name, however this is not a problem in
any other MS product- we are dealing with Office 97(sr2). However, if I copy
the the unc or file mount paths to start and run, the excel documets apprear
with the document name in the title bar. I searched the knowledge base and
have been unable to find documents that detail this issue. Any thoughts or
ideas are appreciated, also I will not rule out the possibility of this
problem being unique to this corporation.
web page that contains hyperlinks to excel and word documents; these
hyperlinks can be either unc file://server name\subdir\filename or file
mount file:///J|\servername\subdir\filename
When the hyperlink is clicked the file opens in excel and the title bar says
book1 as opposed to the actual file name, however this is not a problem in
any other MS product- we are dealing with Office 97(sr2). However, if I copy
the the unc or file mount paths to start and run, the excel documets apprear
with the document name in the title bar. I searched the knowledge base and
have been unable to find documents that detail this issue. Any thoughts or
ideas are appreciated, also I will not rule out the possibility of this
problem being unique to this corporation.