Hyperlinks won't keep their addresses straight



I am using hyperlinks to take a reader to other documents [all formats, Word,
PDF, Excel etc.] I am saving ALL documents on a 1 gb thumb drive. I am using
relative linking -- the main document is at the root, and I have several
folders that contain the other documents I link to [ch 1 folder, ch 2 folder
etc.] If I move to a different workstation with the drive, most [not all] my
hyperlinks default to the C:\ drive, something like: C:\documents and
settings\default user\My Documents\Chapter 1... The only thing correct in the
path is the last reference -- to the chapter folder where the documents are
stored. I will have hundreds of links by the time I'm finished and this is
nuts having to 'update' them everytime I use a different computer. I've
looked into setting the Base URL under File>Properties>Summary, but I don't
see how this would work since I am linking to multiple folders. Ultimately, I
will be burning the root document and all linked documents to CD, and I want
the links to WORK. Any thoughts, suggestions, revelations would be
appreciated. Thank you! LacieMoon

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TGFjaWVNb29u?=,

It always helps to mention WHICH version of Word is involved in a problem. For
starters, though, check the setting for "update links on save" in
Tools/OPtions/General/Web options. If it's not off, this could be what's causing
the problem.
I am using hyperlinks to take a reader to other documents [all formats, Word,
PDF, Excel etc.] I am saving ALL documents on a 1 gb thumb drive. I am using
relative linking -- the main document is at the root, and I have several
folders that contain the other documents I link to [ch 1 folder, ch 2 folder
etc.] If I move to a different workstation with the drive, most [not all] my
hyperlinks default to the C:\ drive, something like: C:\documents and
settings\default user\My Documents\Chapter 1... The only thing correct in the
path is the last reference -- to the chapter folder where the documents are
stored. I will have hundreds of links by the time I'm finished and this is
nuts having to 'update' them everytime I use a different computer. I've
looked into setting the Base URL under File>Properties>Summary, but I don't
see how this would work since I am linking to multiple folders. Ultimately, I
will be burning the root document and all linked documents to CD, and I want
the links to WORK. Any thoughts, suggestions, revelations would be

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Thank you for your response, and yes, it is helpful to tell you the version
of Word used. I apologize: I'm using Word XP -- I have checked the option you
spoke of and it was indeed selected. But, perhaps I am confused on what I've
read in the help topics, I am confused as to the function of this option. It
says it updates links for the web page -- I'm not creating a web page but
maybe that doesn't matter? I will give your suggestion a try and see if the
document manages to keep its relative linking.
Thanks for your help,

Cindy M -WordMVP- said:
Hi =?Utf-8?B?TGFjaWVNb29u?=,

It always helps to mention WHICH version of Word is involved in a problem. For
starters, though, check the setting for "update links on save" in
Tools/OPtions/General/Web options. If it's not off, this could be what's causing
the problem.
I am using hyperlinks to take a reader to other documents [all formats, Word,
PDF, Excel etc.] I am saving ALL documents on a 1 gb thumb drive. I am using
relative linking -- the main document is at the root, and I have several
folders that contain the other documents I link to [ch 1 folder, ch 2 folder
etc.] If I move to a different workstation with the drive, most [not all] my
hyperlinks default to the C:\ drive, something like: C:\documents and
settings\default user\My Documents\Chapter 1... The only thing correct in the
path is the last reference -- to the chapter folder where the documents are
stored. I will have hundreds of links by the time I'm finished and this is
nuts having to 'update' them everytime I use a different computer. I've
looked into setting the Base URL under File>Properties>Summary, but I don't
see how this would work since I am linking to multiple folders. Ultimately, I
will be burning the root document and all linked documents to CD, and I want
the links to WORK. Any thoughts, suggestions, revelations would be

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TGFjaWVNb29u?=,
But, perhaps I am confused on what I've
read in the help topics, I am confused as to the function of this option. It
says it updates links for the web page -- I'm not creating a web page but
maybe that doesn't matter?
Yes, that's what is says. But since Word 2002 it works in regular documents, as

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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