i accidentally deleted office



hello, thank you for taking the time to read my question.

Yes, I am stupid enough to have accidentally deleted MS Office 2003 Student
Teacher Edition off of my computer using add and remove programs. I won't
even try to justify my gross error, i will just humbly and sincerely ask you
for your kind advice.

My computer was bought at staples in the summer of 2003. It came with xp
preinstalled and i have the box it came in and a little square card printed
on both sides <img
src="http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b238/anj119/99qa3a.jpg" alt="Image
hosted by Photobucket.com"> i have tried to insert a little picture of the
card here i dont know if that is helpfull, or even if it is going to work. i
cannot find a preview button around here.

now, i have been muddling around the internet for a few months trying to
solve my own problem. and it is, as you can well imagine, quite a problem
since word went with it... oh, the horror. the shame.... no hitting, OK
you guys?

another thing compounding this issue is that Northgate, the manufacturer of
my computer, has up and disappeared off of the face of the internet. trying
to visit their website yields (for me) a pristine white blank page.

i have two Cd's that came with my computer. both are marked with mainly
jumbled up looking (to me) words bearing little resemblance to any language i
am aware of. i can make out on one, the words driver update CD. and on the
other pc cillin update.

i know i am beyond hope.... yet, somehow, here i am...... hoping....

thank you for your polite attention despite your busy schedule.

imtrying (anj119)


Bob I said:
You will need the Office 2003 Student and Teacher CD to reinstall Office.
Dear Bob I,

Thank you for your reply.
The Office 2003 Student and Teacher CD was not included in the materials
which came with my computer. Neither was a CD included for the operating
system, which i think i mentioned, is windowsXP.
There is a very obvious problem it would seem with buying a computer with
preinstalled software.
What it is that distinguishes me from someone looking to get something for
nothing is about 800.00 us dollars.
While i have been unable to garner assistance with repairing office, i have
had no trouble authenticating my copy of windows using the Genuine Advantage
Validation System and recieving updates and support relevant to windowsxp. It
is a bitter pill to swallow, and indeed i remain unconvinced that the same
type of verification cannot be applied in this situation.

thank you again for your polite attention.


JoAnn Paules [MSFT MVP]

If Office STE was preinstalled on your computer, then there is probably a
hidden partition on your hard drive where you can access it for a reinstall.
Contact your computer manufacturer for specific instructions for how to
access that data.

Echo S

anj119 said:
Dear Bob I,

Thank you for your reply.
The Office 2003 Student and Teacher CD was not included in the materials
which came with my computer.

Unfortunately, there's not much we in this group can do to help you without
your CDs or at least access to a recovery partition on your hard drive.

Is http://www.northgatecomputers.co.uk/ the right Northgate Computers? I can
see a site, not just a blank page.

If that isn't the right place and Northgate truly has disappeared, you might
try this:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;326246 -- there's
actually an 800 number you can call if your computer mfg has gone out of

Good luck with it.

Bob I

I'm afraid that the "assumption" of having "received updates" and
passing "GAV" means that Microsoft is obligated to provide replacement
OEM materials is completely incorrect. It is nothing more than a
database of "valid" or "working" product keys. You will need to contact
the vendor for any "replacement" media.


my sincere appreciation to those taking the time to respond to my question.
I have not, as yet, found my solution, but the information ive gleaned here
has been very helpful.
To respond to a few questions that were asked....
JoAnne, I took your advice and called Toshiba who i belive is the
manufacturer. I was unable to locate the serial number of my computer despite
turning it literally upside down. The representative suggested i bring the
computer to Staples for help with locating that sticker.
Echo S said:
Unfortunately, there's not much we in this group can do to help you without
your CDs or at least access to a recovery partition on your hard drive.
Echo S, I do have two cds which came with my computer. One is marked
Recover XP, and beneath that 'support for these products is provided by
Northgate Innovations, Inc.'
Echo S said:
Is http://www.northgatecomputers.co.uk/ the right Northgate Computers? I can
see a site, not just a blank page.
Echo S, I visited the url you provided. The website is not that of
Northgate Innovations Inc. the phone number listed on the microsoft
manufacturers contacts list is simply out of service. no forwarding number or
information. Thank you for searching out that possible connection, I
appreciate your generous gift of time spent in finding that for me.
If that isn't the right place and Northgate truly has disappeared, you might
try this:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;326246 -- there's
actually an 800 number you can call if your computer mfg has gone out of
I have not researched this option yet... perhaps it will yeild better results.

To follow up, though, on the cds that i do have ..... as i said one is
marked 'Recover XP' and the other is marked 'Windows XP Application Update
Driver CD'. On each of these cds, are files which are, to my untrained
eyes, completley mysterious and cryptic. for example: MSI MS-6368, ECS
P4VXMS, ECS P4VMM(2), and so on....... I am looking for something
clearly labeled "'how to' -for dummies"

me break 'puter thingy!!! arrrrrghaa abugga bugga... you fix ... uggabugga
.... 'puter! aragggha..

Thanks again, so much. i will keep trying.


ps upon re-reading my post, i can see that there may be some confusion as to
who excactly is the manufacturer of my computer. well, honestly, i dont
know. as i said -the recover xp cd claims that support for the software is
provided by Northgate Innovations Inc. On the cover of the booklet that
came with the computer is a sticker that reads 'For distribution with a new
TOSHIBA PC only' (not my capitalization btw... theirs) so.... if you are
confused by this, you can just imagine my grasp of it! ha!


Bob I said:
I'm afraid that the "assumption" of having "received updates" and
passing "GAV" means that Microsoft is obligated to provide replacement
OEM materials is completely incorrect. It is nothing more than a
database of "valid" or "working" product keys. You will need to contact
the vendor for any "replacement" media

Dear quote unquote Bob I,

The assumption that you ascribe to me is "completely incorrect".
I mentioned those things only to illustrate that my computer software has
passed muster for those purposes. Being unaware, as i am, of how these
qualifications are made, I thought it might at least show that my software is

It is difficult for me to discern the reasoning behind your "overuse" of
quotations. Typically, quotation marks are used to denote a statement which
is not the author's, or (maybe you already "knew" this, but..) around words
used satirically or in an ironic sense.
We already know that you are not quoting a speaker, so where does that leave
me? I have to tell you that i find that tone quite offensive, wouldn't you?
again, it might be that you are "unfamiliar" with appropriate usage of the
quotation mark, and in that case, an unintended condescension will be


Bob I

Sorry you have a issue with my use of quotes. They merely indicate the
word used is meant to convey a concept, and not a literal meaning. For
instance "valid" does not mean valid, but only that the system has not
been programmed to reject it. Likewise "assumption" meaning the method
you used to decide where the support for your software was supposed to
come from. So don't be too concerned about quotes, they weren't intended
to annoy you.


Dear Bob I,

Thank you for your explanation.

May I ask, in this situation with my computer hardware and software
seemingly patched together by several different vendors, what would be your
recommendation as to which company may be able to provide me with the help i
will need to reinstall ms office?

The rundown so far, as i understand it...which is not very well, is:
the booklet which came with the system and describes how to set up xp has a
sticker on the front which says "For distribution with a new TOSHIBA PC only"

The certificate of authenticity card has two stickers on it which have the
Toshiba name on them and reads at the top: "The manufacturer of your personal
computer has licensed the Microsoft products listed in this document. the
certificate of authenticity attached to the product packaging is your
assurance that the following Microsoft products you have received with your
PC system are legally licensed to you from TOSHIBA."
There are no stickers on the computer itself that have the Toshiba name on
them however.
The two Cd's which i received with the computer and have described in detail
in previous posts, indicate that they are ... oh well shoot.... I'll type it
out ... "The software included on the recovery CD-ROM was preinstalled on
your hard drive at the factory and may only be used for backups and recovery
of your Northgate Innovations Inc. computer system." it goes on, "support
for these products is provided by Northgate Innovations Inc."
Bob I. , I can find no such animal as Northgate innovations inc. The
phone number listed on the Microsoft manufacturers contact list is out of
service with no explanation, i am not able to find them on the web... i don't
know what to do.

Do you?

Thanks for your time, really i appreciate that, i do.
Angela (anj119)

Bob I

Based on your supplied info to locate one "Northgate Innovations Inc."

See the bottom of this page
and then to here having changed name to "Digital Lifestyles Group, Inc."
And listing a "www.northgate.com" website (which doesn't open for me at
the moment) But the phone numbers track along. Then we go to this
and on to www.hip-e.com and a 877 phone number. I'd call them up and ask
about the software.

JoAnn Paules [MSFT MVP]


It seems that your system is a Toshiba even if it is unmarked. You mentioned
that you bought the system from Staples in 2003 in a previous post. Could
your system be a remanufactured system? Are there any labels other than the
Northgate one? There was a website for them but it's out of order right now.

I hate to say it but you may be up a well-known creek without a paddle. Most
places like Staples do not have anyone on their staff who repairs computers.
You may be able to find someone elsewhere who knows how to access the hidden
partition of your hard drive (assuming you have one) and *maybe* reinstall
your missing software. Either way, you aren't getting out of this experience

I have to be honest, I didn't think that STE came as an OEM version.

All that aside - how in the heck do you accidentally delete Office? And
please tell us that you've learned an important lesson that you will never
forget. Good luck, dear. I fear you're going to need it.

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