I am kinda proud of my site



I know there are a lot issues with Publisher 2003. I keep hearing, "DOn't
create a web site in Publisher." over and over. As a matter of fact, I just
purchased Frontpage and am planning on converting my sites to it soon (when I
learn it.) But in the meantime, I am sort of proud of what I had been able
to do with Pub. I had a few more bells and whistles on it such as a
guestbook link and an order form and an email response form, but my client
checks his email about once a week and that could have been bad for business!
So I took it off. Any way, the three sites that I have created so far are
below: The Plumbing site is really, really simple. The MicroBusiness Site a
little more to it and the Warthen Lane site is the more ..... well there is
more to it. A few of my pics are loading a little slowly, but when I get
some time, I will work on those.
Just wanted to share!



I WAS proud of my site til I came home and checked it out
on dial-up. We have high speed at work. My .pdf file is
STILL waiting to load!
Oh well... I guess I have some more work to do.


I've built several commercial sites for businesses with Publisher 2003 and
really haven't found it to lack the capabilities to do anything I wanted it
to do. It's easy to use, the sites look fabulous, upload is a cinch, and
it's interacted just great with other tools. I heard the warnings, too, and
ignored them. :)


Robin, Congrats. While I prefer Publisher 2000, I think you illustrate that
it is the person wielding the tool, that is more important than the tool.
Clearly from your examples you can build very attractive and effective
websites with Publisher 2003, especially if you don't need anything too

I had a local web design company try to sell me on redesigning my site using
Flash and other bells and whistles. Their sample website took close to 4
minutes to load with my dial up modem and their snobbish, arrogant answer to
my criticism was to switch to broadband. Just because you CAN do something,
doesn't mean that you should. I think there is a lot to say for K.I.S.S.

As per your PDF file taking so long to download, depending on which tool you
are using, you can generate PDF files that are much smaller file size and
optimized for the web vs. print. Don Schmidt has said that PDF-XChange
creates much smaller PDF files than most, so if your tool doesn't give you
the option of creating a smaller PDF file, you might check that out.


Don Schmidt

Saw your notes guys. Robin if you like send me your pdf file and I'll run it
through PDF-XChange and see if we can down size it.

My real e-mail address is:

dschmidtATpacifierDOTcom <= change the obvious.

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