I am lost


Charles Arnett

I manage a web site www.unionbaptistohio.org
and I use rollover buttons. I have heard that is out so I want to change to plain buttons in left shared boarders.

I know how to make left shared boarders.
I have my navigation page designed.
I want to use Industrial theme on selected pages. (The reason for selected pages I use Arnetts for my personal stuff and use top shared boarders for those pages.)

Now my problem is how to I get the theme, or any part, or even one button to be on the left shared boarder so I can keep adding from my navigation?
Some people have answered before but that one step is still missing.



Build a navigation tree in Navigation View.
Do this by switching to navigation view, then dragging pages from the
file/folder list into the view.
Finally, in the left shared border of a page, insert->Navigation->Link
Bar->based on navigation structure.
Click Next, and choose Use Page's Theme
Click Next - choose Vertical alignment
Click Finish and choose the level of pages to show - Child pages under
Home is a good starting point, or Child Level. Also include the Home
Ron Symonds
Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.

I manage a web site www.unionbaptistohio.org
and I use rollover buttons. I have heard that is out so I want to
change to plain buttons in left shared boarders.

I know how to make left shared boarders.
I have my navigation page designed.
I want to use Industrial theme on selected pages. (The reason for
selected pages I use Arnetts for my personal stuff and use top shared
boarders for those pages.)

Now my problem is how to I get the theme, or any part, or even one
button to be on the left shared boarder so I can keep adding from my
Some people have answered before but that one step is still missing.



I have heard that is out

Rollover buttons? Says who?


I manage a web site www.unionbaptistohio.org
and I use rollover buttons. I have heard that is out so I want to change to
plain buttons in left shared boarders.

I know how to make left shared boarders.
I have my navigation page designed.
I want to use Industrial theme on selected pages. (The reason for selected
pages I use Arnetts for my personal stuff and use top shared boarders for
those pages.)

Now my problem is how to I get the theme, or any part, or even one button to
be on the left shared boarder so I can keep adding from my navigation?
Some people have answered before but that one step is still missing.


Charles Arnett

I have heard on this group that the newer OS do not include java applets and
cannot see roll over buttons. Is that true?


Yes. But that would affect hover buttons not rollover buttons. Rollovers
are just simple image swaps, or CSS effects. Hover buttons were small Java
applets running on your page. Ew.

Charles Arnett

Thanks. I think some rollover buttons give the same affect that hover
buttons do. I understand I can use rollover buttons according to your
reply. Thank you

Charles Arnett

Thanks that gets things working with a small problem. In my page view I get
the note +add link. I use that until I am done with all my links. When I
save it and look on the web the add link doesn't show up. [I saved it as
unionbaptistohio.org/indextest.html] but in preview view my buttons are in
two columns instead of one. However both IE and firefox displays right.

How do I get rid of +add link in design view?

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