I am old


Charles Arnett

I hope you young'uns have patience. My excuse is that I am 70. Monday I am going to change the web site at http://www.instrulab.com

I lost my left shared boarder and in the process of getting it back I selected a different theme.

Now I don't know if I have a hover button or a rollover button. Can anyone tell me? I don't want a hover button.



Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Hey even us 'young'uns' can get confusted.
Instrulab doesn't have shared borders, it's using frames.
the baptist site...looks like you chose a different style buttons in the
shared border navigation.

In Design view click on the shared border with the navigation in it...it'll
turn black-ish, then right click, select link bar properties, then the Style
Tab...then select the theme style you want to use for the navs.

I hope you young'uns have patience. My excuse is that I am 70. Monday I am
going to change the web site at http://www.instrulab.com

I lost my left shared boarder and in the process of getting it back I
selected a different theme.

Now I don't know if I have a hover button or a rollover button. Can anyone
tell me? I don't want a hover button.




It's not looking good, Charles -

MSFPhover =
(((navigator.appName == "Netscape") &&
(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 3 )) ||
((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") &&
(parseInt(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 )));
function MSFPpreload(img)
var a=new Image(); a.src=img; return a;


I hope you young'uns have patience. My excuse is that I am 70. Monday I am
going to change the web site at http://www.instrulab.com

I lost my left shared boarder and in the process of getting it back I
selected a different theme.

Now I don't know if I have a hover button or a rollover button. Can anyone
tell me? I don't want a hover button.



Charles Arnett

For the instrulab site I am getting rid of frames and going to shared
boarders. Production manager is sick of the frames and the colors.

on the Baptist site I like the style but don't know if the change in colors
is due to the style being rollover or hover.


Charles Arnett

Thanks, If I don't change will I lose the whole button or just the change in

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