i am puzzled how to change the red corner of a cell with comment

  • Thread starter EXCEL$B!!(BNEWS
  • Start date


hi, glad to have the chance to make friends with you via this forum.
here is my problem.
as you know, when you add a comment to a cell,a red corner will appear to
show that there is a comment there.
i am puzzled as to how to change the red corner, how to make to be some
other colors ,
or some other shapes instead of red or triangle.
and furthermore how i can make an image of my own style like the red corner
i mentioned above.
i mean to make how to make a cell look like diffirent from other cells ,
without coloring it or making the word in the cell in a special style.for i
dont want it to be printed out.

thank you



Young man.. :)

Modifying that red corder is going to be VERY difficult and would
require very advaned skills.


f you just want to emphasize a cell =>

you can insert a shape (Wordart,Clipart, Ole Controls, Pictures..
anything) via Insert menu.

Then right click that shape and in the Properties page DEselect Print


< email : keepitcool chello nl (with @ and .) >
< homepage: http://members.chello.nl/keepitcool >

Tom Ogilvy

I don't believe this is a configurable item. You will need to live with
what is provided.

Tom Ogilvy

Dave Peterson

You could add a shape to the cell, then color that. If you like this idea, see
one response at your first post.

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