I am trying to find out if there is a free download of Microsoft .


Judy Martin

I am a college student and I am needing to have Microsoft Word on my computer
here at home however, the new one I just purchased does not have it on it.
Can anyone tell me if there is a free download of it, or if I will have to
purchase the software and download it on my computer. I would appreciate any
help that anyone can give me.

Rick B

There is no free lunch.

Unless there is something I am unaware of, Microsoft is not in business to
give away their products.

Rick B

Wayne Morgan

As a college student, I would recommend checking your school's bookstore.
They frequently have copies of the software at a low price. Also, if all you
need is Word, you may want to check out the Works Suite (the Suite also has
Word in it) or the Microsoft Office Student and Teacher edition at a local


Hi, Judy.

If your need is long-term, the Student & Teacher version of MS Office gives
you Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for $149 List price, although I've seen it
new as low as $120. With four years of work ahead of you, it's a good deal.
Also Google "Microsoft Works" suite.


If your need is short-term, Microsoft offers a 60-day trial copy of Office:


Good luck.


Just be careful with open office. It doesn't 100% support word docs.
If you have a document that has tables it may not come out the same.
Most resume templates in word use tables and will appear different in
open office.

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