i am unable to post on group can any one tell me the group's e-mail id



Dhaval said:

You managed to post to this group just fine.

....and what, pray tell, is a group's "email id" supposed to be? Do you intend
to post via email? Not really recommended, but... Google for "email to usenet

Alternately, this group can be accessed via the excelbanter.com "excel
programming" forum.


Dhaval Shah said:
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Subject: i am unable to post on group can any one tell me the
group's e-mail id

And yet here you are! ;-)

Your Message-ID suggests that you discovered how to use Google Groups for
posting. So I suspect you would not be satisfied with yet-another web
interface like excelbanter.com.

I suspect you meant to say that you cannot use your favorite mail
application to post to newsgroups -- for example, Outlook Express or

For assistance with that, you need to provide additional information. For
example: system platform (e.g. Win7), mail application name, etc.

You might also try doing a browser search for "set up newsgroups in outlook
express" (without quotes), replacing "outlook express" with your mail

In general, you must access newsgroup through a public newsgroup server, not
by sending email.

(There might still be some listservers that accept email for newsgroups.
But I suspect that is mostly a thing of the distant past. Or worse: such
email sites might really be ruses for collecting personal information.

So first, you need to find a (reputable) public newsgroup server and set up
an account there -- usually free.

I use news.eternal-september.org. I don't know if excelbanter.com permits
direct access to its webserver. I know that groups.google.com does __not__.

Second, you need to set up a local news "account" in your local
application -- just a way of specifying the user-id for postings and the
login-id, URL and protocol information for the newsgroup server.

Finally, you need to learn how to access newsgroups with your mail

For example, you might need to "subscribe" to newsgroups first -- just a way
of specifying which newsgroups you want your local application to display.

Adrian C

So first, you need to find a (reputable) public newsgroup server and set
up an account there -- usually free.

I use news.eternal-september.org. I don't know if excelbanter.com
permits direct access to its webserver. I know that groups.google.com
does __not__.

Excelbanter (and other *banter sites) freely leaches usenet content to
exisit and opens an unchallenged gateway for spammers. I would not give
it any credibility at all...

Get a copy of Mozilla Thunderbird and configure it for Eternal September.

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