I can not view any fild, title, pictures on a form I created



I have created a form in design mode, I have selected a query for the data source. This query has several talbes that it pulls data from (13 total tables all with a comon ID). I can view the form and the field I have created in design view, but the form is blank when I change to "form view". What the heck am I missing. Does this indicate a problem in the query or is it a requirement that I have data in the tables before a form can be vied in a query?


A form is simply a means of viewing data in a table or
tables or from a query. IF there is no data in the tables,
the form will not display anything. Open your query. If it
is blank white boxes underneath each field, then it is
either not working or it finds no data in the tables.

Hope This helps
-----Original Message-----
I have created a form in design mode, I have selected a
query for the data source. This query has several talbes
that it pulls data from (13 total tables all with a comon
ID). I can view the form and the field I have created in
design view, but the form is blank when I change to "form
view". What the heck am I missing. Does this indicate a
problem in the query or is it a requirement that I have
data in the tables before a form can be vied in a query?

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