I can send email but cannot receive email in Outlook 2003



This is the message I getting:

........ Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the
server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server
administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded: +OK
31209 octets follow.'

I have tried disabling Norton Virus Protection and my firewall. Nothing
changes. i still keep getting this message. Please help.


Sylvia said:
This is the message I getting:

....... Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC0F) : 'The connection to the
server was interrupted. If this problem continues, contact your server
administrator or Internet service provider (ISP). The server responded:
31209 octets follow.'

I have tried disabling Norton Virus Protection and my firewall. Nothing
changes. i still keep getting this message. Please help.

How long have you waited before testing your e-mail setup again? E-mail
providers do have problems so you may be reporting an error that no longer
exists or will get fixed soon. What did your e-mail provider say about the

If packets are getting lost then delay goes up (to retry the lost packets)
and the delay could be long enough to cause timeouts in your e-mail client.
Disabling the anti-virus software from scanning your incoming e-mails is one
way to eliminate the delay incurred when the anti-virus software has to
interrogate your e-mails. You could also have a bad connection. You don't
mention whether you connect using dial-up, DSL, or cable. One way to check
for lost packets is to run the ping command as shown below:

ping -n 100 www.yahoo.com

I used Yahoo as an example since their host will respond to pings (some
hosts disable responding to pings). At the end is a summary showing the
percentage of lost packets. If more than 5% get lost, this can be enough of
a delay to cause artifacts in behavior by your e-mail client. At 8%, or
higher, you'll get timeouts. Browsers are more forgiving because they'll
wait 5 minutes for a page to paint (i.e., download all objects for the page)
but e-mail clients, especially Microsoft's, are more picky regarding delays.

For DSL/cable, You could ask the ISP to check your signal strength to make
sure there isn't a problem with the line going to the modem. Ask them to
test the line.

If you have Norton Anti-Virus disabled (for e-mail scanning), might you also
have Norton AntiSpam installed? If so, try disabling it.

What happens if you temporarily disable your software firewall?


Jocelyn, the link you provided no longer leads to the article you were
suggesting; also, i've removed norton internet security and antivirus
software and the problem persists; hopefully, the link you recommended will
help. thanks.

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

It looks like it's working now...

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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