I cannot access my autoarchive folder in Office Outlook 2003



I am trying to open my autoarchived email files. They are not accessible from
my archive file icon in MS outlook.The default setting was used from when the
pc was new about twop years ago and was already installed. They are located
in C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\archive.pst .

When I attempt to open the file I get the following message You are
attempting to open a file of type 'office data file' (.NK2)Windows cannot
open this file. I have two years of files that I need to access! I can find
no reference to troubleshooting auto archive in the help pages.

I have the student edition


So you browsed down the Folder view in Outlook and selected Archive folders
& it was empty?
Check the folder in Explorer, see how many archive files there are and what
sizes are shown.
They will all be shown as archive* unless you specifically named them
Also check your archive settings to see whether the archive path is
something different


Apologies for the delay in replying. I have just changed ISPs....

I think there has been some misinterpretaion of my problem.

As I explained in my first post. 1) I cannot access the files at all via the
'archive folders' icon in MS Outlook. When I click on the icon I get a blank

2) I can locate them, via a file search, but when I go to that location and
click on the file icon, I cannot open them.

This is the problem.

They are saved and located in:
" C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\archive.pst .

When I attempt to open this file, by clicking on the icon, I get the
following message:
"You are attempting to open a file of type 'office data file' (.NK2)
Windows cannot
open this file". "

I would like to know
a) How I can alter MS Outlook so they are accessible directly via the
'archive file' icon. and
b) How I can open the existing archived files which appear to have been
saved (by default) in a seemingly inaccessible .pst (or .NK2)??? format
(whatever that is).

I hope this has made my query clearer.

Brian Tillman

parsley999 said:
2) I can locate them, via a file search, but when I go to that
location and click on the file icon, I cannot open them.

This is the problem.

They are saved and located in:
" C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Local Settings\Application
Data\Microsoft\Outlook\archive.pst .

When I attempt to open this file, by clicking on the icon, I get the
following message:
"You are attempting to open a file of type 'office data file' (.NK2)
Windows cannot
open this file". "

Clearly this indic ates you are in Windows Explorer and double-clicking on a
file. That's NOT (as has already been explained to you) how to open an
Outlook data file.


A Nk2 file is the autocomplete email names
You are opening the wrong file
If the Archive folder is shown in your Outlook folder tree, close it
Then within OL, File>Open>Data File .......browse to the location and open
the Archive

If you still have problems, close outlook, locate scanpst.exe, the repair
tool, and run it on the archive, several times. Then retry to open it

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