I Cannot play ANY type of vidclips in presentations



I have PPT 2002. All updates are current. When I insert a video clip into
my presentation that I am creating, it stalls my computer, after a minute or
two gives me an image of the first frame of the clip in a box as per normal.
( .avi, wmv etc...doesnt matter). When I select the clip and right click
select "play"...I get a black hole for 1/2 a minute, locks me out then the
first frame returns again.

Needless to say that the presentation (view show) wont reveall the vid clip


John Wilson

Do you have the vid clips in the same folder as the presentation before you
insert them?

Also try installing the latest version of windows media player. Powerpoint
doesnt directly use this but it will help to make sure codecs are OK.

Did that answer the question / help?
John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist

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