I cannot send any emails


D. Harju

When I try to send emails, I get message "preparing to send/receive...",
but the messages stay in the outbox. The emails display a "sent" date/time,
but they were never really sent, and they don't move into the "sent" folder,
just stay in the outbox. When I click on Details of send/receive, there is
nothing there.
Yesterday I tried to send an email with 2 very large Word files attached,
and received a time-out error message. That's when the problem started. Now
I can't send any messages at all.


Move the first two messages (with attachments) into your Draft folder by
dragging them over. Then, try send/receive. If the rest of the messages go
through, you will need to troubleshoot the offending messages. This could
mean starting a message from scratch. How large are the attachments? They
could be timing out (you can set the timeout longer).



Move the first two messages (with attachments) into your Draft folder by
dragging them over. Then, try send/receive. If the rest of the messages go
through, you will need to troubleshoot the offending messages. This could
mean starting a message from scratch. How large are the attachments? They
could be timing out (you can set the timeout longer).


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