Pat D,
The problem is the masking, not IE 7. As the navbar wizard writes a relative
link, that link is broken by the masking. If you hover your mouse over your
About Physical Therapy link, you will see in the status bar:
"index3_Page386.htm", and when you click that link it will try to transfer
you to, but your page
is actually at and thus the
white page. (and by the way, if you prefer the use of the supporting folder,
it should make no difference in this case)
When you "mask" the domain, you are framing the page. Go to View > Source
and you can see this. Pub 2002, 2003 and 2007 do not support framing, and
all produce code that includes identifying the browser. If it is IE then the
browser gets Publisher's VML code (Pub 2000 has a different coding engine
and doesn't use VML) and FireFox gets different code that actually works.
Hover your mouse over the About Physical Therapy link in FireFox, and you
will note in the status bar an absolute link to the correct location of the
Your choices are to do away with the wizard produced navbar and the relative
links and build your own menu with absolute links. Or don't frame your
site...its probably not a good idea anyway, on several levels. Or you can
perhaps try inserting the following code snippet to see if that helps. This
was posted on the webdesign newsgroup some time ago, and I have not tested
<TITLE>Can't be in a frame</TITLE>
<!-- Hide script from old browsers
if (top.location != self.location) {
top.location = self.location
// End hiding script from old browsers -->