I can't create email signatures because it's grayed out.


Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Ask your network administrator. If that feature is disabled, it may have been disabled for a reason.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Randy J

Hi Sue, Thanks for the response.

I asked my IT manager and he does not know why it is grayed out. He has not
been able to find the feature to correct it. None of my employees no why this
is happening on my e-mail. :O) Any suggestions where to look for the

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Look in the registry, in the HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Outlook/Options/Mail and HKCU/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Outlook/Options/Mail keys to see if you have a value named EditorPreference. Also look in HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Common/MailSettings and HKCU/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Common/MailSettings for values named NewSignature and ReplySignature

What version of Office do you have?

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Randy J

My IT manager just installed Office 2003 on all of my computers. None of my
other computers have this issue. I used to have the version that comes with
XP. I have forwarded your suggestion to my IT manager. I hope this gets him
where he needs to be. I'll let you know, THANKS.



I am Randy's IT guy. Thanks for anwering. By the way, I look at your
book yesterday evening at Borders. I plan to get with my next

I did not disable the signature feature. I found it grayed out. I
checked the following registry settings as you instructed:

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Outlook/Options/Mail and
HKCU/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Outlook/Options/Mail keys
to see if you have a value named EditorPreference. Also look in
HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Common/MailSettings and
HKCU/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Common/MailSettings for
values named NewSignature and ReplySignature

However, I have no idea on what to change in order to activate the
Signatures. Are there other regusty settings. say a value where I say
change 0 to a 1 to activate them?

Tarek Handy, MCSE

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Were those values present in the Software/Policies key? If so, you'll need to remove them if you want the users to have access to control their own signature settings.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers



HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Outlook/Options/Mail and
HKCU/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Outlook/Options/Mail keys
to see if you have a value named EditorPreference. Also look in

I did not look at the above, sorry, I'll get that done tonight

HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Common/MailSettings and
HKCU/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Common/MailSettings for
values named NewSignature (I believe it had his username) and
ReplySignature (it had I beleive 8002000)

I will look again to be certain in 11 or 12 hours. I will comeback with
precise settings. Thanks for your assistance and patience. He is
using he PC right now and I have to work at my day time job.



Sue, sorry I did not get this last night. My daytime job had me reboot
a job at 1 AM. I got on his computer tonight to obtain the below info.
Apparently, the issue was SOLVED


My client went against doctors orders (mine) and deleted the
NewSignature and ReplySignature
HKCU/Software/Microsoft/Office/11.0/Common/MailSettings. I told him
should be carefull with the registry, but he did it.

Thank you for coming up with the solution (credit where credit is due).
It is now on the Internet for future people to use to solve this
problem. I highly encourage you to use this in YOUR next book.

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