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I can't post to this group!!! This is my third try..


I want to make a chart that shows commitment vs. value (made up of cash, investment value, and distributions combined
The first bar should be one total $100, the second should show what my $100 is worth now, but broken down. $25 is still uninvested cash, $75 is invested cash, and i've gotten $5 cash in distributions. So i want the second bar to be 5% taller. any help would be great..


I’m guessing you want what looks like a single bar representing
commitment adjacent to a stacked bar represent the components of the

If so, try typing your labels and data in cells in a spreadsheet like

B1: Uninvested cash
C1: Invested cash
D1: Distributions
E1: Commitment
A2: Value
B2: 25
C2: 75
D2: 5
A3: Commitment
E3: 100

select range A1:E3, then using the chart wizard, create a stacked
column, selecting data in columns at step 2 ("data range" tab)

Jon Peltier

Mike -

Put your data into a worksheet range like this:

Uninvested Cash Invested Cash Distributions
First 100
Second 25 75 5

Keep the top left cell blank, and use something like dates instead of
First and Second. Select the entire range, and make a stacked column
chart, with series in columns.

The first column in the chart is a single column, Uninvested Cash,
because the other two are blank. The next column is split into three parts.

- Jon

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