I can't receive emails but Progress says I am receiving



I am using Microsoft Outlook 2003 and have been since Nov 04, no problems
until today. I cannot receive emails but can send them. When I click on
Tools and Send/Receive Progress it appears that I am in fact receiving them
but cannot get them in my mailbox. Can anyone assist me urgently? Thanks.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP

I am using Microsoft Outlook 2003 and have been since Nov 04, no problems
until today. I cannot receive emails but can send them. When I click on
Tools and Send/Receive Progress it appears that I am in fact receiving
but cannot get them in my mailbox. Can anyone assist me urgently?

Do you have rules moving them to other folders? Are they in your Junk
E-mail folder?

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu


Thanks for your response. No I don't have rules moving them and they are not
in my junk folder nor are they junk emails. They are work emails of which I
receive several a day/night, I work from home. It is working now - 4 hours
after I had the problem, don't know what has fixed it.

Brian Tillman

Deb said:
I am using Microsoft Outlook 2003 and have been since Nov 04, no
problems until today. I cannot receive emails but can send them.
When I click on Tools and Send/Receive Progress it appears that I am
in fact receiving them but cannot get them in my mailbox. Can anyone
assist me urgently? Thanks.

Do you have an antivirus program intgrated into Outlook that scans mail as
it downloads? That can cause the problem you see.


Thanks for your response. I do have an anti virus program which scans all my
emails. My Outlook is now working (for whatever reason I don't know!) but
took about 4 hours to commence working. Thank you.


Deb, did you ever find out what your problem was? I'm having the same
problem and I've spent all morning trying to work it out!


I have been having this problem for three days. Outlook downloaded 33 emails
but they have not gone into my inbox and now I cannot access my inbox either.
I keep getting a message saying 'the application is in use and cannot be
accessed'. Any suggestions

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