I can't understand why Entourage is putting 99% of my email into a mailbox/folder and NOT in the Inb



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I posted this problem as part of 2 problem post a few days ago and Diane was nice enough to tell me how to correct the other problem.

Here is part of what I originally posted:

" Also Entourage has just randomly chose 3 different named mail boxes/folders to distribute mail in besides the Inbox. I have found new mail in these named folders, Amazon.com, Columbia House DVD and Kodak Gallery."

Entourage has now decided it put most, Not All, but I'd say 99% of my email in a mailbox/folder named Wells Fargo.

I do NOT have a rule setup that says Move all incoming mail to this folder. At this time I have very few rules set up, so I don't have a clue what is going on here.

I need someone's help that is a hell of a lot smarter than I am.

Thanks in advance for your help!


Diane Ross

Here is part of what I originally posted:

" Also Entourage has just randomly chose 3 different named mail boxes/folders
to distribute mail in besides the Inbox. I have found new mail in these named
folders, Amazon.com, Columbia House DVD and Kodak Gallery."

Entourage has now decided it put most, Not All, but I'd say 99% of my email in
a mailbox/folder named Wells Fargo.

I do NOT have a rule setup that says Move all incoming mail to this folder. At
this time I have very few rules set up, so I don't have a clue what is going
on here.

This sounds like the same Mailing List Manager rule problem. Check your
Mailing List Manager rules. They run first.

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