i ditect birthday appointments from calendar appointments

  • Thread starter hemaneelagiri via OfficeKB.com
  • Start date

hemaneelagiri via OfficeKB.com


i want to synchronize calendar appointments from outlook to my application.

how can i restrict birthday appointments(which is created from contacts list)
from calndar folderitems

Thanks in advance

hemaneelagiri via OfficeKB.com

And one more question

when i am retriving recurring appointments from calender folder
how can i know thar reccurent pattern end mode i mean which radioa button has
if noenddate is false taht is ok.. how can v know which radio button has
selected(is it "end after"/ "end by")

pelase help me

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Appointments created from birthdays or anniversaries are no different than
any other recurring all day appointments. First check to see if the
appointment is an all day appointment, since all birthdays and anniversaries
are all day. Then check the Links collection and if there isn't a link then
it's probably not a birthday or anniversary (unless the user removed the
link that gets created). Then get the Link object, which is a contact, then
check that contact for settings for birthday and anniversary.

The settings in the Recurrence pattern must be interpreted to get what the
dialog shows. Look at the NoEndDate Boolean and the Occurrences Long to see
if the pattern has an end date and a specified number of occurrences. Also
look at PatternEndDate.

hemaneelagiri via OfficeKB.com

Thanks for reply

"The settings in the Recurrence pattern must be interpreted to get what the
dialog shows. Look at the NoEndDate Boolean and the Occurrences Long to see
if the pattern has an end date and a specified number of occurrences. Also
look at PatternEndDate."

pattern is always having enddate and specified occurances

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

A pattern without end, such as a birthday, has Occurrences = 0. EndTime
would have a year of 1601. PatternEndDate would have a year of 4500 or 4501
depending on various GMT settings.

You have to play with different patterns and see what property values you
get. Otherwise you will never be able to interpret a recurrence pattern.

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